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Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day

Each year, Houston Christian High School invites grandparents to join their student grandchildren on campus for breakfast, a special presentation, a student-led tour, and a photo opportunity with their grandchildren. It is a wonderful opportunity to build community and celebrate family values on our campus.

Research studies indicate that family involvement in school significantly predicts student success. At Houston Christian High School, that family warmly extends to include our grandparents, too! Whether through gifts of time, talent, prayer, or treasure, our grandparents greatly influence the student experience. By making our school a philanthropic priority for your family, you leave a lasting legacy of education and faith for current and future students. We hope that by attending Grandparents Day and taking a tour with your grandchild, you will be inspired to make a difference, form new connections, and create cherished memories!

We are beginning to build our team of volunteers and can't wait to celebrate. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, April 16, 2025!

Thank you!

Having our dear Grandparents at Houston Christian High School last Thursday was a wonderful and truly memorable celebration, and we extend our heartfelt thanks for being a part of this special occasion. It was an honor to open up our campus to you and your families!

The Grandparents Day program, featuring the delightful performances of our HC Choir, Band, Orchestra, DOXA and student performers, set a heartwarming tone for the day. We love to see our talented students glorifying God with their talents! We are grateful for all those who made the day a success!

Look forward to receiving a special envelope in the mail soon! If you attended, you'll find the photograph of you and your grandchild capturing the highlights of Grandparents Day, preserving these cherished memories for you. We're also finalizing a recording of the program to be sent out to those who could not join us and to relive the memories!

Additionally, we want to express our gratitude for your ongoing support. As we continue to grow and provide exceptional education to our students, your contributions play a vital role. Keep an eye out for information on how you can further support Houston Christian High School, ensuring that future generations benefit from the same transformative experiences.

Once again, thank you for being an integral part of Grandparents Day. Your enthusiasm and warmth made the day truly special, and we are grateful for your presence. Special thanks to our Grandparents Day chairs Lindsay McMeans and Kasi Houston for their leadership plus all of the faculty, staff, parent volunteers and students involved!