School Leadership

Ms. Leanne Messer
Head of School
Texas Wesleyan - B.S.
University of New Mexico - M.A.
Georgia State University - J.D.
Kelly Biar
Director of Business Affairs
University of Texas, Austin - B.B.A.
Dr. Darren Price
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill - B.A.
Michigan State University - M.A.
Lehigh University - Ed.D.
Mindy Dickerson
Director of The Bush Center for Scholars and Leaders
Texas A&M University - B.S.
University of Houston - M.Ed.
Katie Gassett
Director of Communications & Marketing
The University of Alabama - B.S.
Melanie Wallace
Director of Admissions
University of Houston - B.A.
University of Houston, Clear Lake - M.S. 

Jenny Rice Cotton
Director of Development
Louisiana Tech University - B.S.
Michele Gonzales
Executive Assistant to Head of School
Tarleton State University - B.S.
Terry Pirtle
Athletics Director
Sam Houston State University - B.A.T.
Sam Houston State University - M.A.T.
Dr. Robert Linhart
Fine Arts Director
Southwestern University - B.A.
University of Houston - M.A.
Bradley University - Ed.D.
Loren Hopf
Moody Bible Institute - B.A.
Mike Skinner
Houston Baptist University - B.A.
Houston Baptist University - M.A.

Leadership Awards

Jeff Faircloth
Bible Instructor

2023-24 Excellence in Teaching Award [Learn More]
Heather Rosandich
Associate Director of Admissions

2023-24 Staff of the Year Award