Christian Academy Girls Win Dance Competition

Congratulations to our dancers in their success at the most recent Crowd Pleaser Dance Competition! 
Abby Brunnert won 2nd runner up for her solo
Abby Brunnert, Kristi Gallo, Anoushka Patel-Superior Performances on their solos (all scored above a 90)
Spurs Lyrical-1st in division
Spurs Pom-1st in division
Spurs Hip Hop- 1st runner up in division
Doxa Contemporary- 1st runner up in division
Spurs-Super Sweepstakes Overall (scored 90 and higher on all routines)
Doxa-Superior Performance (scored above a 90 on their routine)
Spurs- First Runner Up Team in their division overall
Doxa- Outstanding choreography (Which was choreographed by Doxa in class)